What is Select Medical doing to promote patient safety and quality?
Select Medical is committed to patient safety and quality, beginning with the Select Medical Way and the values of our organization. We have formed a PSO to further promote a culture of safety across our nationwide network of critical illness recovery and inpatient rehabilitation hospitals.
What is a PSO?
A Patient Safety Organization is a special designation by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) under CMS. The AHRQ recognizes organizations with a commitment to patient safety and quality. Select Medical has now been recognized as a PSO, reinforcing our commitment to doing our best on behalf of our patients, every day.
How does a PSO work?
The Select Medical PSO will work closely with the committees focused on safety and quality providing another layer for evaluating our processes. The PSO will work with hospitals and groups across the organization to promote a culture of safety and provide resources, newsletters and extra support, where needed.
How will the PSO affect hospital operations?
Hospitals in our organization will continue to focus on patient safety and quality. The PSO will be an additional resource, raising the bar for excellence across our organization.
What will the PSO add to our company?
Our hospitals will receive information about trends, opportunities for improvement and best practices. That's because the PSO will review data from Select Medical hospitals and others that offer this information. Our group will also identify 'best practices' at our hospitals. Each quarter, we'll wrap our findings into a PSO newsletter highlighting data and information that will help each hospital further enhance and improve its care delivery.
Is the PSO open to other hospitals or organizations outside of Select Medical?
No. The SMPSQI PSO is a 'component' PSO, meaning it's only open to Select Medical hospitals. The SMPSQI will confer with other PSOs on national initiatives providing information that drives our continuous improvement.